Friday, August 26, 2016


2 eggs
2 slices of bread
Parmesan cheese
Cheddar Cheese

Preheat oven to 350°
Toast two slices of bread, butter lightly and put on a cookie sheet
Separate two eggs, leaving the yolks whole in a separate bowl
Beat egg whites until stiff
Using 3/4 of the egg whites, pile them on top of each slice of toast, then make a deep well
in the middle of each pile of egg whites
Carefully place a whole yolk inside of each well and add salt and pepper
Use the remaining egg whites to cover and seal yolks
Sprinkle the top of each with Parmesan cheese and shredded cheddar
Bake for 12-13 minutes, then sprinkle with chives

Note from Molly: I think two slices of cooked bacon on each piece of toast before you start piling and adding eggs and cheese would be a delicious addition to this. Mmm, bacon.

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